Hi There!

"I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength" - Philippians 4:13

Saturday 2 August 2014

How I Met Your Mother Season 2 - Episode 17 Favorite Quotes

How I Met Your Mother Season 2 - Episode 17 Favorite Quotes

1. Marshall : No. No. We might die now. I may never see Lily again. I never told anybody this, but... I've known for a long time that I'm gonna marry that girl. If we survive this, someday I'm gonna marry her. 

2. Marshall : But that's life. You know? You never end up where you thought you wanted to be.

3. Marshall : But that's life. You know? You never end up where you thought you wanted to be. I'm not helping the environment. Ted's not a philosopher. Lily's not not a world-famous artist. Barney's never driven more than ten miles an hour. Robin, I'm sure, has also experience disappointment in her life. Maybe? And my Fiero's not a Fiero that went 200,000 miles. It's okay. You know? Those are old dreams. We'll get a new car and we'll fill that one up with new memories. And that'll be the car we had when we were first married. When we owned our first house. Maybe even the first car our four kids remember.

How I Met Your Mother Season 2 - Episode 16 Favorite Quotes

How I Met Your Mother Season 2 - Episode 16 Favorite Quotes

1.Kids, the key to a good relationship is communication. You need to talk. It's also important to know when to stop talking. You see, by the time you've hit your late 20s, you've dated a few people, but when you're in a relationship, it's common courtesy to pretend that you haven't.

2. Robin : With my sister. Why do you always say that? Look, we're not 16. We've both dated other people. It's silly to try to act like we didn't.

Ted : You're right. We should just be honest.

3.Lily : Ah, the age-old question: after  you break up with someone, what do you do with the stuff?

4. Lily : Order! Order! I got to side with Robin. She's your girlfriend, and if the stuff upsets her, you got to get rid of it.

5. Marshall : I've got to side with Ted. Just 'cause you still have something an ex girlfriend gave you doesn't mean you're holding onto her.

How I Met Your Mother Season 2 - Episode 15 Favorite Quotes

How I Met Your Mother Season 2 - Episode 15 Favorite Quotes

1. Kids, never underestimate the power of destiny. Because when you least expect it, the littlest thing can cause a ripple effect that changes your life.

Saturday 26 July 2014

How I Met Your Mother Season 2 - Episode 14 Favorite Quotes

How I Met Your Mother Season 2 - Episode 14 Favorite Quotes

1. Because sometimes, even if you know how something's going to end, that doesn't mean you can't enjoy the ride.

Sunday 13 July 2014

How I Met Your Mother Season 2 - Episode 13 Favorite Quotes

How I Met Your Mother Season 2 - Episode 13 Favorite Quotes

1. Ted : Oh, Robin... I just had a great idea.

Robin : Oh, do whatever you want to me just don't wake me up.

How I Met Your Mother Season 2 - Episode 12 Favorite Quotes

How I Met Your Mother Season 2 - Episode 12 Favorite Quotes

1. Well, here's the thing, normal people, you know, people who aren't your dad, usually take longer to say "I love you." Robin went through the usual stages.

2. There's the moment where you know you know it, but you can't yet say it.

3. And then there's the moment where you know you know it, and you can't keep it in any longer.

4. Barney : Watch your steps when you get up, kids, 'cause I am about to drop some knowledge. Relationships are like a freeway.  Freeways have exits. So do relationships. The first exit, my personal favorite, is six hours in. You meet, you talk, you have sex, you exit when she's in the shower. The next exits are four days, three weeks, seven months--that's when you guys are gonna break up, mark your calendars. Then a year and a half, 18 years, and the last exit-- death. Which, if you've been with the same woman for your entire life, it's like, "Are we there yet?"

5. Robin : It’s just things are going so well with Ted I just don't want to complicate it.

Lily : Relax, it'll happen when it happens. 

6. Robin : Just let me explain.

Ted : You don't have to explain anything. You don't have to say it-- it's fine.

7. Robin : Okay, but if relationships are like a freeway, then saying... "hm hm hm" is like... getting into the carpool lane. And I don't want to take an exit, but... at the same time, I'm not ready to get into the carpool lane. Because what's in the carpool lane? Oh, it's a big diamond, and I'm just not ready to get...

8. Robin : It's just, it's a big thing to say to someone, and I don't want to say it too soon.

9. It's a big deal because it rewrites our history.

10. Robin : Katie, I'll admit, maybe I'm not in any place to lecture you on romantic relationships, but... but I just don't want you to make the same mistakes that I've made.

11. Ted (voix off) : But, kids, later that night, Katie did it, and she got pregnant... with quintuplets... and she lived out her days in a trailer park... where she died an alcoholic. So the moral here, kids, don't have sex until you're married. Maybe even, like, a year or two into marriage.

12. Ted : And I never saw her again. I told her I loved her, but... I just wanted to have sex. I-I would've said anything to make that happen, and... that's exactly what I did. Look, I'm not telling you what to do. I'm just telling you what all 17-year-old boys are like. Even the nice ones.

13. Robin : Oh, come here. I love you. I said it. Feels right. I love you.

Ted : I'm gay. I'm kidding. I love you, too. Hey... you lost your I-love-you-ginity.

Robin : Yeah. I guess I was just waiting for the right guy.

How I Met Your Mother Season 2 - Episode 11 Favorite Quotes

How I Met Your Mother Season 2 - Episode 11 Favorite Quotes

1. She was perfect. I lost the perfect woman. I should have knocked her up when I had the chance.

How I Met Your Mother Season 2 - Episode 10 Favorite Quotes

How I Met Your Mother Season 2 - Episode 10 Favorite Quotes

1. Couples, exhausted by the sheer act of leaving the house, are obsessed with finding a place to sit down. 

2. Believe me, I fought this for a long time. Come on, it's embarrassing. Look, this felt unnatural to me, too, at first. But I fell in love. And Tom and I realized you can't fight love.

3. why always be attracted to the unavailable ones? Why not accept the fact that you're a beautiful woman who is worthy of love? Are you brave enough to hear that? You...

Tuesday 8 July 2014

Sometimes I feel like running in your arms when I'm down

Tuesday 10 June 2014

He never

He never

He never approached me when we first met
asked my name nor get my number
He never looked at me
He never chatted nor texted me late
He never asked to escort me on my way home
He never asked me to wait for him
He never pinch a spoon to me 
He never texted me in minutes
He never kissed me on public
He never let me say sorry
He never tells me anything


He knew I don't wanted to be approached by guys
because it turns me off
He never looked at me
because he knew I don't wanted to be looked at
by people who I don't know
He never chatted nor texted me late
because he knew I'll be waiting and he don't want to keep me waiting
He never asked to escort me on my way home
because he knew I wanted him to escort me but he can't because others wants to escort me
He never asked me to wait 
because his the one who will wait
He never pinch a spoon to me 
because he knew we were not young anymore and he can be sweeter than that
He never texted me in minutes
because he knew I'll be missing him so he texts me every second
He never kissed me in public
because he wants to kiss me passionately in private
He never let me say sorry
because his the one who always say sorry
He never tells anything
because he tells me everything


He never asked me what I want
because he knew I can have it on my own
He never give me surprises
because his not that sweet to give one
He never 
He never asked of what I want or what I need
because he thought I don't need or want any
He never there when I asked for help because
He has his own problems so I should solve my own
He never there when I needed him
He never
because he thought I can do it on my own
He never
He never wanted to be with my family
because he didn't wanted too
He never approached any of my friends
because he don't want too
He never give me anything
because he thinks I already have everything
He never gave me help
because he thought that I won't be needing his help
I treated him my whole world
He never did
He never


When I left
He never gave up his pride
He never put me as his priority
He never cared to asked: if I'm ok
He never


When I asked him to leave
He never
He did not left

When I asked him to stop
He never did
He never

When I asked him to go
He never

He never

How I Met Your Mother Season 2 - Episode 9 Favorite Quotes

How I Met Your Mother Season 2 - Episode 9 Favorite Quotes

1. Kids, one thing that you should learn about relationships is that you're never done getting to know someone.

Everyone has secrets. Some are nice. Some aren't as nice. And some are just weird.

2. Barney: Ted, you should be happy Robin has a secret. The more you learn about a person, the better chance you have of hitting the fatal 'oh' moment.

Barney: Yeah, that moment when you find out that one detail about a person that is going to be a deal breaker.

Barney: So, trust me, you want to postpone knowing anything about each other for as long as possible.

Ted: I disagree. If there's some potential 'oh' moment, I want to know about it right away. I mean, what's the alternative?

Lily: Yeah, I agree with Ted. In a real relationship, you share everything. That's why Marshall and I don't keep any secrets.

3. Ted: Trust me, not only do they tell each other everything. They want to know everything.

4. Robin: I have shared more of myself with you than I have ever shared with anyone. I'm asking for this one secret, which has nothing to do with us, to just be mine.

5. Robin: You know what, you know me better now. That feels kinda nice. 

How I Met Your Mother Season 2 - Episode 8 Favorite Quotes

How I Met Your Mother Season 2 - Episode 8 Favorite Quotes

1. You may not have much range, but at least I'm marrying a guy who knows how to make pancakes. 

2.Lily: Marshall... You are good-looking...
Marshall: Thank you.
Lily: Funny...
Marshall: Oh, thanks.
Lily: Smart...
Marshall: And a few tears wouldn't hurt.
Lily: Okay, would you freakin' marry me already?

3.Lily: God, the idea of standing up there in front of all those people who hate my guts... Just makes me want to run off to Atlantic City and get married today.

4. Robin: Don't worry. Relax. We'll get you a veil, honey.
Lily: Oh, Robin, that's a really cute outfit.
Robin: Oh, really? Thanks.
Lily: Yeah, it has to go. I'm the bride, you can't look better than me.
Robin: Done. (She leaves)

5. Ted: So this is it, right? The last 20 minutes of your single life. I'm proud of you, buddy.
Marshall: Thanks.
Ted: How are you feeling?
Marshall: Great, a little nervous.

6. Judge: Now, normally I would say no to a request like that, but you two impress me. Just the fact that you've been together for ten years, standing by each other's side through thick and thin, never wavering. What was that? 
Lily: What was what? 
Judge: That little look. What was that?
Marshall: A look of love.

7. Ted: This is pretty cool. I can't believe you never want to get married.
Robin: I never said "never."

8. Lily: Yes. Because it's gonna be amazing. Look, before I was afraid to face Marshall's family and I didn't want to do all that work, but... Now that we're here... I realize that I have to face Marshall's family and I really want to do all that work.
Marshall: So do I. And yeah... My family  might still be upset with you. But when they see us up there, they're gonna see how much we love each other and none of that other stuff is gonna matter.
Lily: I love you, Marshmallow.
Marshall: I love you, too, Lilypad.

Monday 9 June 2014

Warm Bodies Favorite quotes

"He can dream if he wants too"

"Julie: You can dream whatever you want..Is that what they say? 
R: With you..right you and me?"

"No matter what we'll stay together...we'll change everything"

"You don't like your whole life back?..No, I like this one"

Some quotes from "The Art of Getting By" the movie

"Happiness is something looked after...be vigilant about it"

"Things change sometimes so quickly... you didn't even notice it"

"I'm in love with you I'm always have been."

"You know we'll be together one day. We just have to get rid of all our mess up issues."

"In the end...it is possible"

How I Met Your Mother Season 2 - Episode 7 Favorite Quotes

How I Met Your Mother Season 2 - Episode 7 Favorite Quotes

1. Ted: What? You gave her the look right? Head down, eyes looking up, hands in pockets, shoulders up, head slightly tilted, conveying shy vulnerability.

2. Look, we've been broken up almost six months. I mean, I'm not thrilled about the idea, but he has every right to date someone else.

3. Robin: Well, if it makes you feel any better, Ted says she has the crazy eyes.
Lily: What's that?
Robin: Apparently, a thing women have that guys can see and it tells them that the girl's crazy.
Lily: Oh, kind of like how you never want to date a guy with perfect fingernails?
Robin: Jerk nails. Exactly.

4. If you two are ever gonna get back together, you have to let him work out whatever this is.

5. Marshall: So Chloe's not crazy, she's... just a nice, normal girl.

6. Marshall: You're crazy. You have... crazier eyes than anybody that I have ever met. I mean, you're out of your mind. You're... just absolutely insane. I've missed you so much.

7.  So right there, in the exact same place that six months earlier I had walked up and found Marshall alone, crying over his breakup with Lily, I found him again. Only this time he wasn't alone, and he was happy. 

How I Met Your Mother Season 2 - Episode 6 Favorite Quotes

How I Met Your Mother Season 2 - Episode 6 Favorite Quotes

1. Kids, when you reach your late twenty, you might be surpise to discover you still don't have life quite figured out. Like with aunt Lily. Even though she was back from San Francisco, she was still on a quest to find herself.

2. I want to get out there and change the world. I want to find my passion.

3. When I was teaching kindergarten,whenever a kid was mean, I would take away one of his toys. The kid would be upset at first,but then he'd learn to stop being mean.

How I Met Your Mother Season 2 - Episode 5 Favorite Quotes

How I Met Your Mother Season 2 - Episode 5 Favorite Quotes

1. Lily, if I wanted a fridge full of groceries or fresh coffee in the morning, I'd be in a relationship. But I don't want to be in a relationship. That's why I make it crystal-clear to every girl that walks through that door that this is not a place to leave a toothbrush. This is not a place to leave a contact lens case. This is a place to leave. 

2. Look,I don't think he's crazy. I just think he's suffering from a severe case of girlfriend withdrawal. And unfortunately, you're his nicotine patch.

3. Hey,it takes two to cuddle.

4. I don't think you're mad at me. You're mad at yourself. You let down your guard, and let someone into your life, and... And it actually felt okay. And that terrifies you.

Lines, walls and pictures
nice words aren't they?
good images and nice story plot
isn't it?
same as yours?

If you keep on comparing your story with love stories and movies that you've watched
well believe me..
you won't get there..

Life is not a like a history book
like what other people keep on telling you
Yes..others might have the 'some sort same story'
but the characters
the scenes
the situations
the personalities involved are different

Indeed, history repeat itself
like in movies and in love stories
you might say "I also experienced the same thing"
But is that enough for you to also follow 
the same footsteps of how the characters of the story did 
in their own story?

well, frankly speaking most of us did or will 
we follow the same footsteps of the characters of our favorite movies.

There is nothing wrong of taking on the lessons that we got from the characters of our favorite movies
but also to follow everything from them?
not kidding but always remember all of us our created unique

Life is a story..
yes it can be part of history
it can be written
but your the writer of your own destiny
no one else
not even the best director of the best movie you've ever watched

your life
is your story
if it is written by someone
it should be you

stop comparing your story with the stories that you've watched and read
it's your story, your happiness, your journey
your love

Seek God for blessings
give you courage to use His gift of Free will

If you really want something
go grab it
if you really want to do something
go do it
if you really want someone
go get her/him

life is too short
to copy someone else's story to yours
make your own
be your own miracle
be unique
don't be afraid

if it's for you 
it will be

just give your best
and let God do the rest.

Lines, walls and pictures
nice words aren't they?
yes, they are
good images and nice story plot
isn't it?
yes it is
same as yours?
it might be 
wanna copy theirs?

It's up to you...

Tuesday 3 June 2014

How I Met Your Mother Season 2 - Episode 4 Favorite Quotes

How I Met Your Mother Season 2 - Episode 4 Favorite Quotes

1. sometimes your relationship goes so smoothly for so long that you think it will be that way forever

2. Listening is the foundation of a relationship.

3. Dude, lots of chicks think architects are hot. Think about it, you create something out of nothing. You're like God. There's nobody hotter than God.

4. Anything sounds impressive when it's said with the right attitude.

5. Love died. The love that made you all believe in love, that's dead now.

6. Robin: You were right. I don't know how to be a girlfriend. I took the nicest guy in the world and I made him a cheater.

7. Robin: Everything isn't okay. Look at me. I'm acting crazy and jealous and paranoid.
Lily: This is how people act in relationships.

8. She thought about how opening yourself up to another person usually means opening yourself up to going a little crazy. She thought about how much easier it was just to be alone. And then she came to see me.

How I Met Your Mother Season 2 - Episode 3 Favorite Quotes

How I Met Your Mother Season 2 - Episode 3 Favorite Quotes

1.  Robin, I'm his best friend. That's a commitment. Girlfriend? That's like a bad flu. Out of your system after a couple weeks in bed. 

2. One last thing about my mom. She grills every single one of my girlfriends about when we're gonna get married and have kids.

3. Robin: But I don't want to get married and have kids. 

4. Good. Focus on your job now, because your career clock is ticking. There's time for marriage and kids and all that other stuff later.

5. Oh, absolutely. Whew, what a relief it is to know I'm the one girlfriend your mom doesn't want you to have kids with.

6. I just... I want you to want me to want to have your grandkids. 

7. Robin, it's not that I don't want grandkids. It's just I don't think anyone should make the mistake of getting married too young.

8.  It's the same for me. I think we're probably both better off trying to keep some distance for a while.

9. Man, when I have kids, and I tell them how I met their mother, I'm gonna tell them everything, the whole damn story.

10. Ted's father: We just realized we're very different people.
Ted's mother: Your father's kind of a head-in-the-clouds romantic, and I'm much more down to earth.
Ted's mother: On some level, I always knew. I didn't even want to go out with him in the beginning. But he spent months badgering me until I finally gave in.

Ted's father: Well, when you don't connect on that many fundamental levels, it's only a matter of time before you realize you're not meant to be together.

How I Met Your Mother Season 2 - Episode 2 Favorite Quotes

How I Met Your Mother Season 2 - Episode 2 Favorite Quotes

1. Then, one night he made a giant leap forward.
2. She's happy? Marshall had the worst summer of his life and she's happy.
3. Ted: She's moved on?
Robin: Well, it happens. I've fallen out of love faster than that before. Sometimes, boom,  with no warning whatsoever. One day we're in love, the next day, he's dead to me. But we're great! Honey?
4. Ambition is the enemy of success. 
5.  But I need the freedom to really chase my passion, which was painting but now, I think it's music, or spoken words. Maybe both. God, isn't life amazing.
6. Lily: I never got in touch because I was too embarrassed. I screwed everything up. I have no job, no place to live. I lost the love of my life. Look, I know I have no right to ask this but do you think Marshall would take me back?
7. Hold on. Look. If you're gonna go back to him, I don't wanna hear the word "maybe". "Maybe" cannot be in your vocabulary. This break-up almost killed him. And he cannot go through it again. So, unless you're absolutely certain , stay the hell away from him. 
8. we need to figure out who we are outside of us, and we need to learn to do things on our own

How I Met Your Mother Season 2 - Episode 1 Favorite Quotes

How I Met Your Mother Season 2 - Episode 1 Favorite Quotes

1. When I get sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead. True story. 
2. She's just trying to figure out who she is.
3. Yeah it was hard to feel too bad. I was dating the woman of my dreams and things were going great. 
4. It is time for some tough love. We need to get him out of that apartment. He needs fresh air. He needs sunshine. 
5. See, this is the problem with guys, you don't know how to deal with heartbreak.
6. Barney: OK, I'll do it! Stop being a couple. 
7. I have to go down there and I have to tell her I love her. I have to beg to take me back even if I have to tell on my knees. 
8. I don't know where she is or what she's doing. She was my whole life man and now she's... She's gone. 
9. He had headphones on, a big smile on his face like he just didn't give a crap. Happy. Confident. Not afraid of anything.
10. You can't let Lily stole your identity the way that guy stole hers. 
11. OK.OK! Resolved. Starting tomorrow, I'm going to start being OK. Cheers.
12. but Marshall had come back from the dead. Because while baseball, strippers and guns can help, the only thing that can really heal a broken heart is time.  

Saturday 31 May 2014

In love some people should fail once or twice to have a glimpse of true love.
I know it sounds weird and crazy
But I'm now looking for true love

Friday 16 May 2014

To Everything There is a Season

To Everything There is a Season

For everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven:
a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;
a time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;
a time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;
a time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;
a time to seek, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away;
a time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;
a time to love, and a time to hate; a time for war, and a time for peace.

- Ecclesiastes 3

The Start

This is the start
leaving the past
this is my time
for me to shine

No more fears
no more tears

I know someday
everything will be okay
everyday feels like to be sunday
and all my worries will fade away

Thursday 15 May 2014

How I Met Your Mother Season 1 - Episode 22 Favorite Quotes

How I Met Your Mother Season 1 - Episode 22 Favorite Quotes

1. Robin: Thanks, guys. Just need a minute. Sort of a big life decision. 

2. Robin: Oh, really? What is all of this? I mean, why can't you just say, "Hey, Robin, let's go get some sushi?" No, it has to be a-a string quartet and-and Paris and flowers and chocolates and let's spend the rest of our lives together.

Ted: Don't you think we're a little bit past sushi at this point? God, you are so terrified of anything real. It's like you're floating out in space. Touch the ground, Robin. Live in the world, make a mistake. Make this mistake.

3. Robin: No, I'm sorry, I... I can't do this anymore. I need an answer.

Ted: If you want me to say yes right now, I-I can't do that.

Robin: Well, if it's not yes, then it's a no.

Ted: Then I guess it's not meant to be.

4. Ted: I don't care what I said. This is gonna happen. She can't say it's not meant to be. It is meant to be, and you know why? 'Cause I mean it to be.

5. Ted: Fine. If an act of God is what it takes, then an act of God it is.

Barney: What are you talking about?

Ted: I'm gonna make it rain. I can't let Robin go camping with this guy. So how do I keep that from happening? Simple... I make it rain!

6. this is the girl I love. If it doesn't rain this weekend, she's gonna end up with the wrong guy

7. Robin: Remember that guy, Ted, that I was telling you about? Well, I came home and I found him waiting in my apartment with a string quartet and roses and chocolates...

Veterinary: Oh, that's so sweet.

Robin: Okay, yes, it's sweet in theory, but isn't it also kind of crazy? I mean, a string quartet in my living room... who does that?

Veterinary: Nobody does that.

Robin: Exactly.

Veterinary: No, honey... nobody does that. 

8. Lily: Look... I know this sucks. It's just something I'm going through. I'm not asking you to understand it. I'm not asking you to be happy about it. I'm just asking you to support it.

9. Marshall: Because you're scaring the hell out of me, that's why not. What if you decide to go be a painter and then you realize I don't fit in to your life anymore, and three months becomes forever? Can you promise me that that's not gonna happen?

10. Marshall: 'Cause if you can't promise me that, we shoul just break up right now. I'm not gonna wait around for three months just to have my heart ripped out.

11. Barney: These are your awesome years. You're wasting them on this girl. This isn't gonna work!

12. Ted: Because I love her. I love her! I told her that the first night we went out, and here it is, eight months later, and nothing's changed. So yes, I know this isn't gonna work. But it has to work! You hear me, universe? This is Ted Mosby talking! Give me some rain! Come on! Come on! Come on...!

13. And that's how Robin and I ended up together. Turns out, all I had to do was make it rain. As I rode home the next morning, the city looked the same, the people looked the same. It all looked the same. But it wasn't. In just one night, everything had changed.

Wednesday 14 May 2014

How I Met Your Mother Season 1 - Episode 21 Favorite Quotes

How I Met Your Mother Season 1 - Episode 21 Favorite Quotes

1. life is a dark road. You never really know what's up ahead. One night you're cruising along enjoying the ride, and then all of a sudden, you're 28.

2. Ted: I realize why I'm still single. I'm picky. I'm not going to settle. If I'm going to marry someone, she has to be perfect.

Lily: Well, what's perfect?

Ted: It's not like I have a list.

Robin: Oh, yes, you do.

Ted: Attractive, college-educated, she wants two kids-- a boy and a girl...

Lily: That's not hard. I know at least...

Ted: I'm not done. She likes dogs, Otis Redding, does the crossword. She's into sports, but not so much so that her legs are, like, more muscular than mine. That weirds me out. And she plays bass guitar like Kim Deal from the Pixies.

Marshall: Or Kim Gordon from Sonic Youth.

Ted: Any Kim from any cool band, really. Can't be too picky.

Lily: You're never going to find this girl.

Ted: Exactly. So I'm just going to wait for her to come to me. I am done trying to plan the unplannable.

3. So, what, you think fate's just going to take care of it?

4. Lily: Ever. Swear. Swear on the lives of your unborn boy and girl.

Ted: I swear on Luke and Leia.

5. Ted: I know you do. Come here. It's okay. Look... Marriage is big. You're allowed to freak out.

6. Lily: Okay, yes, it's a mistake. I know it's a mistake. But there are certain things in life where you know it's a mistake but you don't really know it's a mistake because the only way to really know it's a mistake is to make the mistake, and look back, and say, "Yep. That was a mistake." So, really, the bigger mistake would be to not make the mistake, because then you go your whole life not really knowing if something is a mistake or not. And, damn it, I've made no mistakes! I've done all of this-- my life, my relationship, my career-- mistake-free. Does any of this make sense to you?

7. Lily: Ted, I'm getting married in two months, and I'm freaking out, and you're my best friend, and you just have to forgive me for this.

8. Ted: I changed my mind. I don't want to meet her.

Marshall: Why? She sounds perfect.

Ted: I don't want perfect. 

9. Marshall: Oh, God, not this again. Ted, it's a mistake.

Ted: Maybe. But it's a mistake I have to make.

10. Here's the thing about mistakes. Sometimes, even when you know something's a mistake, you gotta make it anyway.

How I Met Your Mother Season 1 - Episode 20 Favorite Quotes

How I Met Your Mother Season 1 - Episode 20 Favorite Quotes

1. Shh. Sweetie, just focus on one thing at a time, okay? 

2. Scooter: How is it moving too fast? We've been together for two years.

Lily: I just... I just don't want everything in my life to be decided already.

Scooter: What's decided? I go to umpire school, you go to college. We move into my dad's house in Staten Island. We have kids, we grow old together. What's decided? It's wide open!

Lily: Scooter, when I go off to college, that's the end for us.

Scooter: You're, you're breaking up with me?

Lily: There's still so much I want to do. I want to travel, live overseas as an artist, maybe have a lesbian relationship. Plus, I think I was just dating you 'cause you look a little bit like Kurt Cobain.

3. Scooter: I can't believe this. I can change. I can look more like Kurt Cobain. Please, just don't leave me. I'm nothing without you, baby.

Lily: Please don't put that kind of pressure on me! It's too much!

4. Andrew: Well, you know I got it all worked out. Uh, leave this place in my dust, four awesome years at college, and then I'll move to Prague or start my own video game company or something.

Lily: No, you won't.

Andrew: I won't?

Lily: No, you won't accomplish anything you set out to. You'll get a girlfriend the first day of college and you'll give up your independence and you'll never live abroad and you'll wind up old before your time wondering "Whatever happened to my hopes and my dreams?"

5. Andrew: No, not tonight. I've waited too long for this. I finally got a girl and I'm not going to let you take her away from me.

6. Robin: I can't believe a high school senior unloaded like that on me. I'm going to ask you something and, um, maybe it's crazy 'cause you guys are the cutest couple ever. But, um, are you having second thoughts?

Lily: Yeah. But not about Marshall. About me. I just keep thinking about the girl I was ten years ago and wondering what happened to her.

7. Robin: Lily, you're marrying your best friend in the world. I mean, isn't that worth all the other experiences combined?

How I Met Your Mother Season 1 - Episode 19 Favorite Quotes

How I Met Your Mother Season 1 - Episode 19 Favorite Quotes

1. Starting a bunch of office rumors?  Looks that way. Looks that way.

2. Marshall: Yeah, I can't believe you let her and Lily go to the ladies' room together, man. Secrets come out in there.

3. Lily: Well, guess what, Barney? I don't base all my life decisions on how much money I'm going to make, 

4. Lily: Yeah, because if I did sacrifice all my values just for an easy buck, what would that make me?