Hi There!

"I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength" - Philippians 4:13

Monday 9 June 2014

Lines, walls and pictures
nice words aren't they?
good images and nice story plot
isn't it?
same as yours?

If you keep on comparing your story with love stories and movies that you've watched
well believe me..
you won't get there..

Life is not a like a history book
like what other people keep on telling you
Yes..others might have the 'some sort same story'
but the characters
the scenes
the situations
the personalities involved are different

Indeed, history repeat itself
like in movies and in love stories
you might say "I also experienced the same thing"
But is that enough for you to also follow 
the same footsteps of how the characters of the story did 
in their own story?

well, frankly speaking most of us did or will 
we follow the same footsteps of the characters of our favorite movies.

There is nothing wrong of taking on the lessons that we got from the characters of our favorite movies
but also to follow everything from them?
not kidding but always remember all of us our created unique

Life is a story..
yes it can be part of history
it can be written
but your the writer of your own destiny
no one else
not even the best director of the best movie you've ever watched

your life
is your story
if it is written by someone
it should be you

stop comparing your story with the stories that you've watched and read
it's your story, your happiness, your journey
your love

Seek God for blessings
give you courage to use His gift of Free will

If you really want something
go grab it
if you really want to do something
go do it
if you really want someone
go get her/him

life is too short
to copy someone else's story to yours
make your own
be your own miracle
be unique
don't be afraid

if it's for you 
it will be

just give your best
and let God do the rest.

Lines, walls and pictures
nice words aren't they?
yes, they are
good images and nice story plot
isn't it?
yes it is
same as yours?
it might be 
wanna copy theirs?

It's up to you...

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