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"I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength" - Philippians 4:13

Tuesday 10 June 2014

How I Met Your Mother Season 2 - Episode 8 Favorite Quotes

How I Met Your Mother Season 2 - Episode 8 Favorite Quotes

1. You may not have much range, but at least I'm marrying a guy who knows how to make pancakes. 

2.Lily: Marshall... You are good-looking...
Marshall: Thank you.
Lily: Funny...
Marshall: Oh, thanks.
Lily: Smart...
Marshall: And a few tears wouldn't hurt.
Lily: Okay, would you freakin' marry me already?

3.Lily: God, the idea of standing up there in front of all those people who hate my guts... Just makes me want to run off to Atlantic City and get married today.

4. Robin: Don't worry. Relax. We'll get you a veil, honey.
Lily: Oh, Robin, that's a really cute outfit.
Robin: Oh, really? Thanks.
Lily: Yeah, it has to go. I'm the bride, you can't look better than me.
Robin: Done. (She leaves)

5. Ted: So this is it, right? The last 20 minutes of your single life. I'm proud of you, buddy.
Marshall: Thanks.
Ted: How are you feeling?
Marshall: Great, a little nervous.

6. Judge: Now, normally I would say no to a request like that, but you two impress me. Just the fact that you've been together for ten years, standing by each other's side through thick and thin, never wavering. What was that? 
Lily: What was what? 
Judge: That little look. What was that?
Marshall: A look of love.

7. Ted: This is pretty cool. I can't believe you never want to get married.
Robin: I never said "never."

8. Lily: Yes. Because it's gonna be amazing. Look, before I was afraid to face Marshall's family and I didn't want to do all that work, but... Now that we're here... I realize that I have to face Marshall's family and I really want to do all that work.
Marshall: So do I. And yeah... My family  might still be upset with you. But when they see us up there, they're gonna see how much we love each other and none of that other stuff is gonna matter.
Lily: I love you, Marshmallow.
Marshall: I love you, too, Lilypad.

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