Hi There!

"I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength" - Philippians 4:13



Color that covers
everything, that was created.
found overhead,
found underneath every land

It's everywhere!
sometimes covered
sometimes unwrapped
sometimes hiding
sometimes revealing
but it's color will never fade!

It will remain blue
as the sky above
as the water in the ocean
sometimes hiding behind the clouds
sometimes covered by the darkness of the night
sometimes seen clearly
but it still remains the same

much appreciated
when you start to value its beauty
simple and humble
often found above

no one cares so much about it
but the world was covered by it
water, sky, and earth
about half of the world was covered by it
being ignored yet still remains the same
blue as the sky up above

just like me! 


Born to live fully
enjoy being myself
fourth of five children of Julie and Sam

I like doing things that interest me
 now I like reading and writing
I also like to play guitar and keyboards, dance and sing.
Praising God is my passion

I'm obsessed with the sky 
it reminds me of God,
how great and awesome He is.
I believe I was born
to praise and honor Him.

I like to watch and take pictures of nature.
Appreciating nature makes me feel better
it reminds me of God.
heart is my favorite symbol 
it describes my personality 
without a heart no one can breath.

Like me
I can't live without any foundation
and that foundation is God
heart represents God
without God I can't breath

Reposted from my blog at Thoughts.com. I used this in my profile to describe myself. Now I'm using it again as a short introduction about myself. God bless everyone!