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"I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength" - Philippians 4:13

Tuesday 10 June 2014

How I Met Your Mother Season 2 - Episode 9 Favorite Quotes

How I Met Your Mother Season 2 - Episode 9 Favorite Quotes

1. Kids, one thing that you should learn about relationships is that you're never done getting to know someone.

Everyone has secrets. Some are nice. Some aren't as nice. And some are just weird.

2. Barney: Ted, you should be happy Robin has a secret. The more you learn about a person, the better chance you have of hitting the fatal 'oh' moment.

Barney: Yeah, that moment when you find out that one detail about a person that is going to be a deal breaker.

Barney: So, trust me, you want to postpone knowing anything about each other for as long as possible.

Ted: I disagree. If there's some potential 'oh' moment, I want to know about it right away. I mean, what's the alternative?

Lily: Yeah, I agree with Ted. In a real relationship, you share everything. That's why Marshall and I don't keep any secrets.

3. Ted: Trust me, not only do they tell each other everything. They want to know everything.

4. Robin: I have shared more of myself with you than I have ever shared with anyone. I'm asking for this one secret, which has nothing to do with us, to just be mine.

5. Robin: You know what, you know me better now. That feels kinda nice. 

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