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"I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength" - Philippians 4:13

Thursday 15 May 2014

How I Met Your Mother Season 1 - Episode 22 Favorite Quotes

How I Met Your Mother Season 1 - Episode 22 Favorite Quotes

1. Robin: Thanks, guys. Just need a minute. Sort of a big life decision. 

2. Robin: Oh, really? What is all of this? I mean, why can't you just say, "Hey, Robin, let's go get some sushi?" No, it has to be a-a string quartet and-and Paris and flowers and chocolates and let's spend the rest of our lives together.

Ted: Don't you think we're a little bit past sushi at this point? God, you are so terrified of anything real. It's like you're floating out in space. Touch the ground, Robin. Live in the world, make a mistake. Make this mistake.

3. Robin: No, I'm sorry, I... I can't do this anymore. I need an answer.

Ted: If you want me to say yes right now, I-I can't do that.

Robin: Well, if it's not yes, then it's a no.

Ted: Then I guess it's not meant to be.

4. Ted: I don't care what I said. This is gonna happen. She can't say it's not meant to be. It is meant to be, and you know why? 'Cause I mean it to be.

5. Ted: Fine. If an act of God is what it takes, then an act of God it is.

Barney: What are you talking about?

Ted: I'm gonna make it rain. I can't let Robin go camping with this guy. So how do I keep that from happening? Simple... I make it rain!

6. this is the girl I love. If it doesn't rain this weekend, she's gonna end up with the wrong guy

7. Robin: Remember that guy, Ted, that I was telling you about? Well, I came home and I found him waiting in my apartment with a string quartet and roses and chocolates...

Veterinary: Oh, that's so sweet.

Robin: Okay, yes, it's sweet in theory, but isn't it also kind of crazy? I mean, a string quartet in my living room... who does that?

Veterinary: Nobody does that.

Robin: Exactly.

Veterinary: No, honey... nobody does that. 

8. Lily: Look... I know this sucks. It's just something I'm going through. I'm not asking you to understand it. I'm not asking you to be happy about it. I'm just asking you to support it.

9. Marshall: Because you're scaring the hell out of me, that's why not. What if you decide to go be a painter and then you realize I don't fit in to your life anymore, and three months becomes forever? Can you promise me that that's not gonna happen?

10. Marshall: 'Cause if you can't promise me that, we shoul just break up right now. I'm not gonna wait around for three months just to have my heart ripped out.

11. Barney: These are your awesome years. You're wasting them on this girl. This isn't gonna work!

12. Ted: Because I love her. I love her! I told her that the first night we went out, and here it is, eight months later, and nothing's changed. So yes, I know this isn't gonna work. But it has to work! You hear me, universe? This is Ted Mosby talking! Give me some rain! Come on! Come on! Come on...!

13. And that's how Robin and I ended up together. Turns out, all I had to do was make it rain. As I rode home the next morning, the city looked the same, the people looked the same. It all looked the same. But it wasn't. In just one night, everything had changed.

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