Hi There!

"I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength" - Philippians 4:13

Saturday 10 May 2014




what a great factor 
isn't it?
when were young
we thought that timing does not really matter
especially in love
as long as you love each other

but that's not it
love is not enough without timing
timing is not enough without love as well

others believe in destiny
but for me
its more on God's will

and God's will?
no one can define it

even how much you love the person that your with
even how much you wished and dreamed of that person to be with you..
if the two of you are not in the timing
it won't work

it will work if your going to do something about it
yes, love itself is not enough
what is love?
if your not going to do something about it
love is dead
if there is no effort
its like saying to the wind i love you 
and do nothing about it

if you really love the person
if you think both of you are not in the timing
your going to do something about it
you will not fight against anyone..

all of us
anyone of us
even long relationships struggle with it
sometimes both of you are in the right timing 
but there are times that both of you will not

but its up to the both of you
if your going against time
or go with the time
and go with the results of timing

if you really love that person
will never your reason to stop loving each other

you will endure anything
everything just to be together

right timing?
it happens at the wrong time

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