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"I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength" - Philippians 4:13

Saturday 10 May 2014

How I Met Your Mother Season 1 - Episode 13 Favorite Quotes

How I Met Your Mother Season 1 - Episode 13 Favorite Quotes

1. Future Ted VO: Kids, in life there are a lot of big romantic moments, and they make life worth living. But here's the problem, moments pass, and lurking just around the corner from those moments is a cruel, unshaven bastard named reality.

2. If we kiss, all of this becomes real. 

3. The best part of any first-kiss is the lead-up to it, the moment right before the lips touch. It's like a big drumroll. 

4. Ted: She was completely amazing. She was amazing and funny and we connected on every level. And, I'm never gonna see her again.

5. Lily: OK, what is wrong with the two of you?! Seriously. He likes you and you like him, just, just, just be together. Geez, Louise, happiness is not that difficult.

6. Robin: Oh, look, OK. Yes, I cried in the bathroom, and that was weird. But that doesn't mean I'm in love with the guy. The fact is I don't know how I feel.
Lily: Yes you do. Seeing him with someone else and crying about it. Guess what? That's how you feel. That is nothing but how you feel.

Robin: OK, fine, I have feelings for him. Happy?

Lily: Kinda, yeah.

Robin: But it doesn't change anything. I still don't wanna get married and he's still ... Ted. What I should do is just tell him who Victoria is so he could be happy.

Lily: Or you could tell him you're into him and then you could both be happy.

7. Ted: You know, there's one little flaw in our plan.

Victoria: What's that?

Ted: I'm gonna go home tonight with a lot of great memories and one really sucky memory: the memory of you walking out that door.

8. Ted: And to our dying day, we will remember everything about that night as perfect. Maybe we both need that. So many things go wrong in life, but this is the one thing that never will. It'll always, always be pure, unadulterated awesome. If I walk in there, I'm robbing both of us of what could be...

9. (Ted stands outside bakery looking in to see Victoria icing a cupcake, Ted enters bakery, bell on door tinkles, Victoria turns her head to see Ted standing there)

Victoria: Oh thank God.

(Victoria rushes towards Ted and they kiss)

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