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"I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength" - Philippians 4:13

Saturday 2 August 2014

How I Met Your Mother Season 2 - Episode 16 Favorite Quotes

How I Met Your Mother Season 2 - Episode 16 Favorite Quotes

1.Kids, the key to a good relationship is communication. You need to talk. It's also important to know when to stop talking. You see, by the time you've hit your late 20s, you've dated a few people, but when you're in a relationship, it's common courtesy to pretend that you haven't.

2. Robin : With my sister. Why do you always say that? Look, we're not 16. We've both dated other people. It's silly to try to act like we didn't.

Ted : You're right. We should just be honest.

3.Lily : Ah, the age-old question: after  you break up with someone, what do you do with the stuff?

4. Lily : Order! Order! I got to side with Robin. She's your girlfriend, and if the stuff upsets her, you got to get rid of it.

5. Marshall : I've got to side with Ted. Just 'cause you still have something an ex girlfriend gave you doesn't mean you're holding onto her.

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