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"I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength" - Philippians 4:13

Saturday 19 April 2014

The Make Up

Make up is a woman's best friend they say.
You can buy it everywhere
in a drugstore
in a department store
in a franchise shop
in your friend

Make up can either be expensive or cheap
Make up is everywhere and every girl would love to have one because of the magic it can bring

Make up?

You can wear it in every occasion
With it you can be sassy, fliry, rock and gothic

With Make up you can hide all your imperfections
your pimple, wrinkle, and acne
You can hide your dark face and make it white
you can use it to contour your face to have the shape you want

With makeup you can lift your eyelids to make it more gracious
blush your face to make it blooming
put color in your brows to fit your colored hair
put lipsticks on to make it look kissable

With makeup you can make yourself look youthful and beautiful.

Makeup can hide all your imperfections,
With it you can be presentable and beautiful as they wanted it to be.

But with makeup you can also lose your youthful face
add more acne
destroy the natural oil of your face
lose all your brows' natural hair
put a permanent mark on your face
put marks on your lips

With makeup everything can be hidden
your true color
your soul
your emotions
your feelings

With it you can never wear again your natural make up
the one that you had without all your expensive makeups

Make up can do magic

with makeup
you can gain friends and lose friends as well

with makeup you can find your true love and couldn't find your true love.

what important is..you wear it or not..
you'll find your Happiness..

Side notes: I'm not against of using Makeup. I seldom wear makeup as well. Like what I had written in this simple writing. As long as your happy go for it. :)

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