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Tuesday 29 April 2014

How I Met Your Mother Season 1 - Episode 7 Favorite Quotes

How I Met Your Mother Season 1 - Episode 7 Favorite Quotes

1. Kids, before I met your mother, when I was still out there searching, I learned something valuable, that love is not a science.

2. Barney: Gosh, thanks, Ellen. I sure hope this works. I'm so done with the single life, all the games, the meaningless sex.

Ellen: You deserve more.

Barney: That is so true, Ellen. I really think I'm ready to stop being a me and start being a we.

Hey, is there anyway I can let it be known that I love cuddling?

(Ellen, Ted and Barney sit around desk)

Ellen: Oh, of course you can. That is so...

Barney: It's kinda hard to talk about with Ted here, but I just want someone who's not afraid to hold me at night when the tears come. Ellen, can you help me find her?

3. Lily: Oh, just play it cool. Don't Ted out about it.

Ted: Did you just use my name as a verb?

Barney: Oh, yeah, we do that behind your back. Ted-out: to overthink. Also see Ted-up. Ted-up: to overthink something with disastrous results. Sample sentence: Billy Tedded up when

Ted: OK, I get it. Don't worry, I'm not gonna ted anything up or out. I'll just give it a few more days.

4. Look, if I was marrying the wrong person and the right person was out there and knew it, I'd want that person to come down to my dermatology office and tell me so.

In that scenario, I'm not interfering, I'm a happy ending.

5. Sarah: Ted, Ted, do you honestly believe deep down that there is no one else out there for you just because some computer says so.

Ted: Didn't used to. There was math, I got confused.

Sarah: Love isn't a science. You can't calculate a feeling. When you fall in love with someone, 8.5 equals a perfect 10.

Ted: You're right

6. Ellen: No, I won't. You're gonna die alone.

Ted: I'm not gonna die alone. Look at me. I'm bright, I'm attractive. You just have to get back out there and keep looking.

Ellen: No, you're never gonna find anybody. And every year, you're just getting older and it's getting harder and harder.

Ted: You're being ridiculous. I'm gonna be up on that wall one of these days.

Ellen: No you won't.

Ted: Yes I will

Ellen: How do you know? Ted: I don't know, but I believe. Hell, if a cockroach and a mouse can find love in this crazy city, then, dammit, so can I.

Ellen: You're losing me.

Ted: Point is, something good is going to happen to me. Maybe your computer will help, maybe it won't, but it'll happen.

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