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"I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength" - Philippians 4:13

Sunday 20 April 2014

That's What I Call Them

That's What I Call Them


I got many

Close friends?

I got plenty


I got few

True, Real and Honest friends?

I got three

I was in High School when I first met them.

I never thought that we would be friends. If your going to ask me. The four of us together is a total mess. It's like having a total different kind of people put together as one. A total blow up. It's like putting four kind of people from different directions of N.E.W.S..

Four different people who end up being together and can forget where we came from when were together. We might have different hobbies but what can I say? When were together..life can be meaningful..I can't honestly say that being with them will make life useful and senseful..but being with them life will be full of guidance and honesty..You can live day by day without seeing them. But you cannot live a meaningful life without them..If I have few persons in life..where I can be who I am..that's them..

1.  Wewel Mimi Tadissa also known "The Rocker"

I first saw her when we were both in our second year High School..
I never thought that we could be friends
She's smart, funny, honest and straight forward
We got close in our 3rd Year in High School and started a band with our other bestfriends
She's our drummer.
I sometimes think that I could act the "boyish seline" when I'm with her
I can talk grossy things with her. Open for possibilities and say things she wanted to say. Leap lover.
She's tough, strong and a risk taker that's all I can say. 

Tol, your a very strong woman..we might not talk a lot but I'm sure we can both count on to each other. Thank you for being there for me. Thank you for accepting me. You've seen me in different angles yet you still accepted me. For your love life tol I know you know what your doing..keep on leaping..that's what I'm proud of you..what's important for you is today not yesterday not tomorrow but today..keep on leaping and never lose hope..keep that open mind of yours..your a strong woman. Remember God did not give up on you. I'm so happy that whatever circumstances that you've been through you always have this hope "tomorrow is another day". Keep on hoping and smiling.

2. Chey Mangali also known "The Strong Mommy"

I would never forget how she ignores me when I first saw her when were still both in our 3rd year High School.
Like Wewel I never thought that we can be friends. For me, she's like the "ate" of the barkada. Full of wisdom, a dreamer, a happy person, frank and honest. She's open and would ready to listen to you. A rebel, a good rebel. Creating a mistake and taking responsibility of her mistakes is her character. She takes risk and know how to handle them. A cry woman, who knows when to cry and when to stop crying. A figure of a strong mother. Amidst of all the haste she can still be a strong mother of her child.

Tol, you know who you are. Trust yourself and your maturity. Keep on going and striving. As always, for me in our friendship your the smartest. Your a strong woman. Keep on learning and keep on sharing wisdom. Don't give up when things go wrong. I know where you've been through but whatever happens. Do everything for yourself and your child. You have struggles don't forget that you have Wewel, Sarah and I. Trust God in all things. Just keep on loving and be happy. Whenever your down don't be afraid to tell it to us. Your always there for us so we are to you. 

3. Sarah Joy Esguerra also known "The Kikay Mommy"

I do apologize if this would be my first impression to you tol "Tol ang hilig mong manabunot talaga :P " Sarah is the kind of girl who knows her timing. She knows what she wants and plans ahead. She's frank and a fighter. She knows when to attack and when not too. She knows who to hate and who to love. Just like me. We both chose to change ourselves on our 4th year High School. We both left our old ways. A gamer of Audi but not of real life. A secret keeper. I don't know much of her since were not together since 3rd year High School. But I can say that you can depend on her because she's honest and frank as well. You can really feel if she didn't like what you did and tell you that its wrong.

"Tol, pasensya na..kung hindi tayo nagkakaintindihan noon". Sorry if I think that your not around. But thank you because with you I learned a lot. Tol, you know your timing and you plan ahead of time. Your a straight forward person and frank. Others may misunderstood you but I know you don't care whether they understood you or not. You can hate people and love people as well. Tol, just keep on being frank to me so I know my mistakes. Thank you for being there for me tol. 

True, Real and Honest Friends
That's what I call them

A message from me to all of you mga Tol:

Our friendship has been tested through time and space. We saw each others ups and downs. We've been good and bad. We saw each other grow. We love ourselves as we love each other. If there is something that is common to the three of us. That's being who we are and showing the world who we really are. We've been crying and laughing at the same time. We love to talk at the same time and jump into different topics at the same time. We might see each other once or twice a year but we know that we still have each other.
Salamat sa inyo mga Tol. Your always there for me and you know the right advice for give me. The world can go against me but not you..not the three of you..Salamat mga Tol. Like what we always dream off. Kahit may mga asawa't anak na tayo..we will always be friends. Kahit sa tingin natin pinagpalit natin ang isat isa..We will always be friends. Always and Forever. 

Nagmamahal, Seline also known "Ang may Krus"

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