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"I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength" - Philippians 4:13

Saturday 2 April 2011

Every Move I Make

Tired just got home from Church. I've been dancing, singing, talking, walking around, giving leaflets and praying. It almost take me 12 hours in the Church just doing the same thing again and again. And I love it! I feel so very happy because I'm doing it for the glory of God. I hope others will experience what I had experienced today. Not only the lot of dancing, singing and walking stuffs but also the passion that moves me to do it all. God's love inspires me to do it. I know God created me for a purpose and that purpose is to give Him praise. I know my praises are not enough after all the things He'd done for us. But as long as I live I will give Him praises not only by regularly attending the Church but also doing things that pleases Him. My purpose is to give Him glory and that's what I'm doing! God's love moves me. God bless everyone!

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