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"I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength" - Philippians 4:13

Wednesday 6 April 2011

Answered prayers

“So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened. 
                                                                                         - Luke 11:9-10

God really answer prayers at the right time and place. God answered one of my prayers He did not fail me. And it made me more to love Him more. Last semester was one of my worst semester ever. If I could only make the time stop and go back to the time I would probably pick my last semester. On my knees I often find myself talking to God begging Him to give me another chance to make it out this semester. My grades now are not enought to atleast make it to Cum Laude. I already have a grade of 3 in Physics during the Midterm period. And it's a few weeks till the semester ends. I'm doomed! I have nowhere to go so I asked God to help me so I can make it out to my grades. Before I study for our final exam I made a Sign of the Cross prayed and asked God. I also added that if ever I did made it or not I will still give glory to Him.

It's now our finals week. Didn't have enough sleep I went to school a bit late. When I Professor finally gave us the paper. My mind is now set to it. Given more time I'm the last one to pass the test paper. Praying again to God giving Him all the glory fail or pass. 

Yesterday was the releasing of our grades. Holding my cross necklace I prayed "Lord please let me pass". Not looking at Physics first I quickly noticed that I have no grade of 3 in the card. God is really good! I got 2.50 in Physics its my lowest. I passed and my average can still make me to Cum Laude! I asked God only to make me pass but He gave me more than than. He also gave me a chance to make it to Cum Laude. 

With all my effort I will not fail God for the chance. God is really great! He really answer prayers. Just really have to trust Him and He will answer our prayers at the right time and place. No matter how impossible it may be ask it to the Lord and He will answer. God is not irritated whether you repeat it again and again. God listens just really have to put our trust in Him.

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