Hi There!

"I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength" - Philippians 4:13

Thursday 31 March 2011

Feeling Lazy

Today is really summer. Now I'm stuck home doing nothing. I already read books, played my instruments, posted in my blogs, watched TV, done the dishes but in the end. I'm still doing nothing. If you ask me of going out? Honestly I already have plans with my friends, church mates and family. But how about the days when I'm stuck here at home. Still doing the same routine. Nothing...Boring! 

I can't wait till its May when I have something to do again. Every May me and my sister spend all month teaching  children. Well that's the most awaited thing every summer for me. This month March, finally it ended already. The next month April I have no idea how to spent it. My boyfriend and I are not allowed to see each other. Because I said so. It's not because were in a fight or something. I just made a condition with him. That we should not see each other if he hadn't do his part yet. Well that's the other side of the story. 

Now I just opened my computer to write what's in my mind. I already wrote to my other blog all my praises and what I've learned today while meditating with God's words. So I have nothing to write now. Just only my thoughts in my head.

It's funny because what I have written just right now reminds me of Bruno Mars's song The Lazy song.

Just so you know. Bruno Mars is a half Filipino just like me. God bless everyone!

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