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"I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength" - Philippians 4:13

Tuesday 29 March 2011

Call for Change

My today's devotion is about "Call for Change". God really love us. Without realizing all through our lives. God is calling us. Calling us for what? He is calling us to change our old selfish lives. 

We human beings tend to be selfish in nature. All of us are living for own interest. We work overtime to have more money, we make success for our own benefit and a lot of more. It's not bad to work overtime or to make yourself popular for others. It's just that because were only doing it for our own interest. Remember God created us for Him and to Him. Our lives here on earth is only an assignment. A preparation to a much larger event, the eternity. We must not treat the world as heaven because God only made these world to give us a chance to show how much we love Him. It's also a training ground to eternity. Life here on earth is not permanent. Everything was meant to be difficult because God wanted us to know Him more. 

I'm writing this because I'd realized that through our lives God is calling us. Mostly in our difficult times. God intended us to have difficult times to reveal His glory. All things fail because God has a purpose. He wanted us because He created and loved us. Let us not wait for the difficult times to come before we realize God is calling us to change our old lives. Let us start now! Start simply by praying and God will do the rest. Let your spirit grow for God. You'll never regret that you did. Say yes to God from His calling. God bless everyone!

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