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"I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength" - Philippians 4:13

Thursday 31 March 2011

Justin's Pray

Verse 1:
(And i pray)
I just can't sleep tonight,
knowing that things ain't right.
It's in the papers, it's on the TV,
it's everywhere that i go.
Children are crying, soldiers are dying,
some people don't have a home.

Pre Chorus:
But i know there's sunshine behind that rain,
I know there's good times behind that pain (hey)
Can you tell me how i can make a change?

I close my eyes, and i can see a better day,
I close my eyes and pray.
I close my eyes and i can see a better day,
I close my eyes and pray.

Verse 2:
I lose my appetite, knowing kids starve tonight
Am I a sinner? Cause half my dinner,
Is still there on my plate.
Ooh i got a vision, to make a difference,
and it's starting today.

Pre Chorus:
Cause i know there's sunshine beyond that rain,
I know there's good times beyond that pain

Heaven tell me i can make a change.

I close my eyes, and i can see a better day,
I close my eyes and pray. (yeee)
I close my eyes and i can see a better day,
I close my eyes and

I pray for the broken-hearted,
I pray for the life not started.
I pray for all the ones not breathing,
I pray for all the souls that need a break,
Can you give em one today?

Pre Chorus:
I just can't sleep tonight,
Can someone tell me how to make a change?

End Chorus:
I close my eyes, and i can see a better day,
I close my eyes and pray, (Ooh)
I close my eyes and i can see a better day,
I close my eyes and i pray, (ooh)
I pray, I pray
I close my eyes and pray.

Wow this is really great! The man in the video really inspired me to study how to play this song. I'm not really a fan of Beiber but this song really inspires others especially the youth. I want to play it to my Church so others may know it too. It's not about the artist, sound, notes but it's the lyrics. I hope a lot of people would also appreciate songs like this and not think about the artist(Please don't get me wrong). I hope others would also realize what the writer realized when he wrote this song. God bless everyone!    

The Trial

Sometimes I can't feel God's presence. I find myself crying in my room. Praying to God yet nothing happens. I asked God why? 

This happened when I realized that everything is falling apart and it's me the last one standing. I hoped that everything worked out yet nothing happened. I remembered asking God to help me pass the exam that I reviewed hard because I really have to pass that test. But nothing happened instead I still fail. Locked myself in my room crying and asking God why is that? Is that me not attending the Church or not praying anymore?

Cried myself to sleep. The next morning as I wake up. I opened my Bible to start my daily devotion. There I find what God wanted me to learn. Sometimes God intended us not to feel Him because He knows that we will look for Him. God wanted us to look for Him because in that way He can prove that we really love Him.  I can't remember the exact Bible verse and who the person mentioned in the Bible. But he said that he can't find God everywhere. Now I know. As I read my devotion His doing it so he can make us draw closer to Him. He wanted us to seek Him more because He is our father and He love us. 

He knew that we often forget Him. So He intended to isolate His presence to us( just the presence that we can feel from Him but His still with us) so we can look for Him more. It was a test for every Christian. No one is exempted in this kind of test. God really intend it even priest, pastors, church goers can feel it. And it's part of God's plan so we must trust Him more during those times because that's what God wanted us to do. 

Now every time I feel God is not around I'm confident. I trust Him. I know His just watching me how to respond to that. I know through that my faith to Him is being tested. I won't give up. 

Feeling Lazy

Today is really summer. Now I'm stuck home doing nothing. I already read books, played my instruments, posted in my blogs, watched TV, done the dishes but in the end. I'm still doing nothing. If you ask me of going out? Honestly I already have plans with my friends, church mates and family. But how about the days when I'm stuck here at home. Still doing the same routine. Nothing...Boring! 

I can't wait till its May when I have something to do again. Every May me and my sister spend all month teaching  children. Well that's the most awaited thing every summer for me. This month March, finally it ended already. The next month April I have no idea how to spent it. My boyfriend and I are not allowed to see each other. Because I said so. It's not because were in a fight or something. I just made a condition with him. That we should not see each other if he hadn't do his part yet. Well that's the other side of the story. 

Now I just opened my computer to write what's in my mind. I already wrote to my other blog all my praises and what I've learned today while meditating with God's words. So I have nothing to write now. Just only my thoughts in my head.

It's funny because what I have written just right now reminds me of Bruno Mars's song The Lazy song.

Just so you know. Bruno Mars is a half Filipino just like me. God bless everyone!

Tuesday 29 March 2011

Call for Change

My today's devotion is about "Call for Change". God really love us. Without realizing all through our lives. God is calling us. Calling us for what? He is calling us to change our old selfish lives. 

We human beings tend to be selfish in nature. All of us are living for own interest. We work overtime to have more money, we make success for our own benefit and a lot of more. It's not bad to work overtime or to make yourself popular for others. It's just that because were only doing it for our own interest. Remember God created us for Him and to Him. Our lives here on earth is only an assignment. A preparation to a much larger event, the eternity. We must not treat the world as heaven because God only made these world to give us a chance to show how much we love Him. It's also a training ground to eternity. Life here on earth is not permanent. Everything was meant to be difficult because God wanted us to know Him more. 

I'm writing this because I'd realized that through our lives God is calling us. Mostly in our difficult times. God intended us to have difficult times to reveal His glory. All things fail because God has a purpose. He wanted us because He created and loved us. Let us not wait for the difficult times to come before we realize God is calling us to change our old lives. Let us start now! Start simply by praying and God will do the rest. Let your spirit grow for God. You'll never regret that you did. Say yes to God from His calling. God bless everyone!


Back again well I'm now going to share one of my passions. I think it was last month when I finally bought my own camera. Out of my savings I bought it but of course with the help of my dear Mom. Very inspired to those photographers that offered there works to God. I decided to have one too. With enough patience I already have one. 

Now it's one of my passion to take pictures of different nature revealing God's glory through it. I wanted others to appreciate God's creation that's why I'm doing it. Beside's I'm doing all of these for His greatest glory. 

I hope I do well in these field. God bless everyone!

Monday 28 March 2011



Color that covers
everything, that was created.
found overhead,
found underneath every land

It's everywhere!
sometimes covered
sometimes unwrapped
sometimes hiding
sometimes revealing
but it's color will never fade!

It will remain blue
as the sky above
as the water in the ocean
sometimes hiding behind the clouds
sometimes covered by the darkness of the night
sometimes seen clearly
but it still remains the same

much appreciated
when you start to value its beauty
simple and humble
often found above

no one cares so much about it
but the world was covered by it
water, sky, and earth
about half of the world was covered by it
being ignored yet still remains the same
blue as the sky up above

just like me! 


Born to live fully
enjoy being myself
fourth of five children of Julie and Sam

I like doing things that interest me
 now I like reading and writing
I also like to play guitar and keyboards, dance and sing.
Praising God is my passion

I'm obsessed with the sky 
it reminds me of God,
how great and awesome He is.
I believe I was born
to praise and honor Him.

I like to watch and take pictures of nature.
Appreciating nature makes me feel better
it reminds me of God.
heart is my favorite symbol 
it describes my personality 
without a heart no one can breath.

Like me
I can't live without any foundation
and that foundation is God
heart represents God
without God I can't breath

Reposted from my blog at Thoughts.com. I used this in my profile to describe myself. Now I'm using it again as a short introduction about myself. God bless everyone!