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"I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength" - Philippians 4:13

Saturday 28 May 2011

It's about pleasing God

I can still feel the chills inside me after that experience. It was my first and I hope not the last. 

Together with my churchmate Gretel we've performed a very weird task just a few hours ago. During the practice we were disturbed by the Altar servers and was asked us to be the Lectors for the mean time. Without a clue what to do. We answered yes! I felt my body was falling while walking at the aile holding the Holy Bible. So nervous I accidentally closed the book not noticing that I closed the part where I'm suppose to read. The Commentator who taught us just a few minutes ago before the Service looks so mad at us. But thank God we finished it. I did it. With a voice so calm I did it. I had finished my part. But not as perfect as Lectors do. When its Gretel's turn I looked at my friend Jomari who is an Altar Server smiling at me. I knew I did not do well so I just cover my face with my hands. 

After a few comments(whispering) of ourselves. Gretel and I noticed that our dance practice was over so we decided to leave. I thought that we acted disrespectful because we immediately leave the altar without finishing the service. But we hope not. We told Jomari that were going to leave now. Our friends already left and our things were still in the venue so we he let us.

But before I leave I asked Jomari "how was it?". He smiled and replied "It was fine, God called you and you answered back. Good job!". I knew I did not do well but still he smiled back and said it was a good job. Thank God! Even though were not good we know that some still appreciates it.

I smiled and said to myself. Maybe God is also pleased. That's more important! Our last or not. I don't care. It's not about the experience it's about pleasing God!

Me at the left corner

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