Hi There!

"I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength" - Philippians 4:13

Thursday 8 December 2011

My boyfriend kept on playing this song when his with me...
he said that he likes to dedicate this song for me until we get married...

I'm willing to spend my life with you Heroz Jun Rodrigazo
when the time comes..
And I know my parents will be glad to have you as their son in law...
I love you!

With my friends in LYC...
got free tickets from Ate Rose...
while waiting for our next destination to start :)

Tuesday 15 November 2011

Sunday 6 November 2011

"Ang Bibliya ay parang isang love letter para sa atin mula sa Panginoon..."
                                                                - Tito Ric (LYC)

Friday 4 November 2011

My song for my lovable boyfriend...
Heroz Jun Rodrigazo <3
I'm Yours by The Script

Thursday 3 November 2011

wants new clothes...
Someone once shouted to God:


God smiled and gently said:

"who asked you to love life? Try to love me and you will enjoy LIFE"
Just uploaded..new pictures from my boyfriends cellphone...

At the park while waiting for the sun to set...

Monday 31 October 2011

Just saw this video posted to our page in Light of the Youth Community...
glad I've watched it...
truly Christmas season is really near...
Happy Advance Birthday Jesus! :)

One of the last picture with my hair...I miss my hair already...
got my hair cut this morning...and the one who cut my hair...didn't do it well...
my hair started to flip away and become curvy...I hate it...
Just wasted 70 pesos...
want my old hair back...

Tuesday 18 October 2011

Been re blogging dresses all night...is now off to bed...night bluesky<3

My favorite song...I always sing this during our prayer meeting...
wanna make me cry unto my knees...
Jesus I believe in You...
Jesus I belong to You...

would like to change my style into this one ^^

Got a new phone thank God...
but not orange a blue one...
wish not to lose it...
like my other phones...
help me God :)

Saturday 15 October 2011

Copy of our Schedule of Activities (Worship Ministry)

LYC: Schedule of Activities

October 2011
Date: 16
Day: Sunday
Worship Leader: Seline
Songs: Only a God like You
            All for love by Hillsong United (new)
            Lord I give you my heart
Guitarist: Kuya Jojo
Activities/ Talks: “Mama Mary as Prophet” 
Speaker/s: Kuya Butch

November 2011
Date: 6
Day: Sunday
Worship Leader: Wella
Songs: Every Move I Make
            Here I am to worship
            Power of Love               
Guitarist: Kuya Lester
Activities/ Talks: “Worship Leader workshop”
Speaker/s: Kuya Jojo

Date: 20
Day: Sunday
Worship Leader: Dikei
Songs: Holy is the Lord (new)
            Mighty to save
            With all I am
Guitarist: Seline
Activities/ Talks:Music Ministry’s Workshop” 
Speaker/s: Ate Gay, Kuya Lester, Kuya Butch and Kuya Jojo

December 2011
Date: 4
Day: Sunday
Worship Leader: Paulo
Songs: Grateful by YFC (new)
            How great is our God
            All for love by Hillsong United
Guitarist: Kuya Lester
Activities/ Talks: Facilitator’s Workshop Day 1 

Date: 11
Day: Sunday
Worship Leader: Kuya Jojo
Songs: Holy is the Lord by Chris Tomlin
            Be it unto me by Don Moen (new)
Guitarist: Kuya Lester
Activities/ Talks:Facilitator’s Workshop Day 2” 

Prepared by:                                                                                        Approved by: 
Angoluan, Mary Ana Seline L.                                                            Dugang, Gay
Worship Head Ministry, LYC                                                              President, LYC

Oquendo, Tom
Worship Shepherd, LYC

To God be the Glory!

Saturday 1 October 2011

Just finished practicing Taylor Swift's Back to December piano version...just figured out playing it on piano :)

Just got home from my boyfriends house and still have this feeling of sadness...I don't know is that just me or the stressors around me worked pretty well...Today I got only a grade of 6 for our memory game...which is the highest is 40...I got 47 over 90 in our Midterm exam in our Experimental Exam...our materials for our experiment is still late...any of the three schools where we sent a request letter for us to conduct an experiment haven't replied back...AND our thesis presentation will be at October 12...which will only give us less than five days to conduct the experiment and finish the paper...I don't know what's happening to me...It's not like me...i'm not like this...I always work ahead of time...haizzz...a few hours ago...I just felt I don't want to go to church tomorrow I kinda think I wanna rest first...but to rest from what?from serving God?ouch!what am I thinking?Who am I?...haizz...need a head start!really freaking need a boost!

Wednesday 14 September 2011

Just finished revising our rejected work for thesis...hahaha...is now experiencing so many stressors.,

Sunday 11 September 2011

"God does not calls the qualified but He qualifies those who are called"

Lord I love You...Lord I love You...Lord I love You...Lord I love You...Lord I love You...Lord I love You...Lord I love You...Lord I love You...Lord I love You...Lord I love You...Lord I love You...Lord I love You...Lord I love You...Lord I love You...Lord I love You...
Lord...whatever happens I will worship you...Lord ang daming nangyayare pero Lord whatever I will give You praise...

Miss my blogspot so much...so many updating to do...

Saturday 3 September 2011

First time kong sinama si Heroz sa isang event sa church...natutuwa akong malaman na sobrang nasiyahan siya sa company ng lahat...hoping my prayers will be answered!...Lord Your will be done pa rin...
Deciding to start my ministry by studying this song...Lord Your will be done!

"The greatest thing is not to hear or see a miracle. The greatest experience is when you, yourself become the miracle"

Sunday 28 August 2011

Just finished my talk and now fixing my things for tomorrows Retreat! 
Thank God that they all liked my talk...they even wanted a copy of it...
God so great to use me as an instrument!
Now gotta start fixing my things...waaaaaaaah!!! I'm so excited! :)

Saturday 27 August 2011


LOVE is 

TIME is 

love. And one way we can give this to Him

is through one word, six letters:


Is always on work every midnight...and still haven't finished all the things I'm working on...

Rest where are you?

"Accomplish the mission and make God happy!"

I'm the one touching the hair...
during our Music Ministry workshop at Sta. Mesa Manila
St. Joseph Parish...
Me as the Moderator and Facilitator...
For God's glory!

"When we fight battles for God, He can cause everything - even the sun and the moon - to stand still so that we can be victorious" - Ru Dela Torre

       Is still reading his book Road Trip...been reading it for a month now...LOL!been really busy doing a lot of stuffs...hahaha

Friday 26 August 2011

LYC girls

So excited for our Fashion Photo Shoot this Monday and Tuesday...I hope everyone that I invited could come...this will be so much fun! :)

Thursday 25 August 2011

100 Days to heaven...feel so blessed every time I watch this...
Is feeling really sleepy...goodnight everyone! God bless! :)
is very excited for our "Community Commitment Formation Retreat"! :)
Lord I want to worship You until my last breath...Help me Lord to live the rest of my life giving You Praise and Glory! 

Wednesday 24 August 2011

my yahoo mail user name and password is not working...huhu...what should I do now...so many things to pass...
Miss posting in my blogspot now...been busy doing school and church stuffs...wish to blog more...

Tuesday 23 August 2011

Is still awake...checking my old blogs while waiting for our professor to check our proposed problem for our case study that will be submitted on September 2, 2011...huhu really tired :(

Monday 27 June 2011

Is trying to write in Filipino Language for our Filipino edition of LYC Newsletter...

Sunday 26 June 2011

I Just miss you

I miss you...
I miss our long walks
our kisses...
our tight hugs
your sweet caress...
the way you say you love me...
I miss the way you smell my hair...
I miss you already my Heroz Jun Rodrigazo...
I hope seeing you soon...
I love you
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.”

Is it wrong to be addicted to social network sites?LOL...I always spend almost five hours a day...just blogging, singing, writing and doing crazy stuffs...wew!

Wednesday 22 June 2011

Yesterday I've decided to join the Photography club at Trinity University of Asia (TUA) my school. Even though the schedule is quite difficult. I'll try to attend so I can learn new techniques in taking pictures. I hope I can use it for God's greatest glory. I don't know how will God use me in this field I'll just let Him handle everything. Lord this is all for You. Your will be done Lord!
"I will sing praises to the Lord
as long as I live.
I will sing praises to my God
as I have my being"

Psalm 104:33

Sunday 19 June 2011

"Mahal na Araw...Araw ng Pagmamahal" Lenten Recollection

For the celebration of the 10th year anniversary of the Light of the Youth Community (LYC) we conducted a Lenten Recollection entitled “Mahal na Araw… Araw ng Pagmamahal” With the cooperation of Parish Youth Ministry (PYM), Parish Music Ministry (PMM), Baranggay Greater Lagro, Knights of Columbus (KOC), Altar Servers and Sangguniang Kabataan (SK). That was held last April 9, 2011 from 7:30am – 12:00nn at the Ascension of Our Lord Parish Church. With a very special guess Bishop Teodoro Bacani. Over 200 people anticipated and joined the event.

Before the event Gay Dugang the current president of LYC really put so much effort for the success of the event. With a lot of preparation some of the youth and elders went place to place and danced from morning till evening just to invite more participants to come and join the Lenten Recollection with our very own Bishop Teodoro Bacani, the Bishop Emeritus Diocese of Novaliches. The event was well planned and prepared piece by piece.

The event started at exactly 7:00am with the “Liturgy of the Hour” that was led by our very own Fr. Bobot Clemen (Ascension of Our Lord Parish Priest). It was later followed by the opening regards by the moderators Wella Lambot (LYC’s Worship Head Ministry and a member of PYM) and Kane De Castro (former LYC’s Education Head Ministry). The opening prayer was opened by Tom Oquendo (LYC leader) followed by a Joyful song “I am a friend of God” together with PMM and LYC band; Lester Ibanez, Gay Dugang, Dij-Nino Buenviaje, Myra Buenviaje, Bey Nacu De Castro, Jester Co and Amiel. With some LYC animators Mary Ana Seline Angoluan, Dikei Simon, Princess Eva May Mosot, Jayjohn Co, Jessica Napegquit, Celina Cruz, Jessamine Castro and sisters Karla May and Paula Bonono wearing the LYC shirt and I.D that was prepared by Kris Tindoc, Poneve Almonte (LYC Service Head Ministry) and Constantino Salva Castillo (former LYC Education Head Ministry and Teacher of Hand Speaking Workshop) energized the participants by dancing.

At 9:00am Fr. Bobot introduced the guess speaker Bishop Bacani. The animators then started distributing the love offering envelopes and flag lets that was prepared by Constantino Salva Castillo. After the distribution Bishop Bacani then started his talk emphasizing how God loves us unconditionally related to the theme “Mahal na Araw… Araw ng Pagmamahal” He also gave some information about the controversial RH Bill and why it was opposed by the Church.

After the talk the participants were given a 15 minutes break and a meryenda that was prepared by the PYM and Altar Servers. During the break a short slide show was being shown to the participants prepared by Chi Ganal and Constantino Castillo. The event then resumed with a Mass that was led by Bishop Bacani. The event ended at 12:00nn.

With much preparation the event was a success. LYC was so blessed to see many have anticipated and helped to make the activity successful. It was also a great honor to have Bishop Bacani to be part of the 10th year anniversary of the LYC. More years to come “LYC Happy 10th year Anniversary” may our community serve the Lord till the end of time. 

Monday 13 June 2011

Psalm 23

Psalm 23

A psalm of David. 1 The LORD is my shepherd, I lack nothing.
 2 He makes me lie down in green pastures,
he leads me beside quiet waters,
 3 he refreshes my soul.
He guides me along the right paths
   for his name’s sake.
4 Even though I walk
   through the darkest valley,
I will fear no evil,
   for you are with me;
your rod and your staff,
   they comfort me.
 5 You prepare a table before me
   in the presence of my enemies.
You anoint my head with oil;
   my cup overflows.
6 Surely your goodness and love will follow me
   all the days of my life,
and I will dwell in the house of the LORD

All Christians should take this by heart and remember how God loves us!

Sunday 12 June 2011

Saturday 11 June 2011

Thursday 9 June 2011

That's why I love reading it every morning! :) <3

Pleasing God is way more important than pleasing the people! :)


One of my favorite poems I love this line "For always there will be greater and lesser person than yourself". It keeps me humble! :)

Tuesday 7 June 2011

I'm insecure

Sometimes I feel insecure I hope I can get rid of it. With help of God I believe I can. It's better for me to write this down than to kill myself not letting it out of my head. I always felt sorry for myself thinking this way. Lord Your my only chance to get all of this out of my mind. I'm not supposed to be like this. I always think of the line from the poem Desiderata "there will always be a greater and lesser person than you". I wish I can apply it more in my life. I'm not supposed to be like this. I think I'm the only person who admits that I'm insecure. I'm such loser. Is there ever a cure. Help me Lord! I will do my best just to get rid of this. For Your greatest glory!

Insecurities KILLS

Tuesday 31 May 2011

My Top Ten favorite pictures from May Flower 2011

My Top Ten favorite pictures from May Flower 2011. I think it would be a little odd and bias because this would be my first list over three years of teaching in May Flower. But I guess this years batch was one of the best so I made a list. Besides this years batch was different from the others I think. I fell deeply in love with this students because they taught me a very different lesson in life. That not all people are that blessed so as a blessed person I should share my blessing to others. And my way sharing it is by teaching Catechism to those students who are willing to learn. Well here are my top ten pictures.

Top 10. Closer to God

My sister together with Faye

Top 9. All are children of God

some of my student and sarah's

Top 8. Simple smile from their hearts 

some of the students

Top 7. Family of God

some of the students

Top 6. All together

some of the students

Top 5. Anyone is a leader

Sarah with the students

Top 4. Young armies of God

younger students

Top 3. Fall in line

students falling in line to get their miryendas

Top 2. Let's pray

while praying the Rosary

Top 1. Let the Children come

the students

We will miss you kids. We love you but God loves you most! God bless! To God be the Glory!