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"I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength" - Philippians 4:13

Tuesday 7 June 2011

I'm insecure

Sometimes I feel insecure I hope I can get rid of it. With help of God I believe I can. It's better for me to write this down than to kill myself not letting it out of my head. I always felt sorry for myself thinking this way. Lord Your my only chance to get all of this out of my mind. I'm not supposed to be like this. I always think of the line from the poem Desiderata "there will always be a greater and lesser person than you". I wish I can apply it more in my life. I'm not supposed to be like this. I think I'm the only person who admits that I'm insecure. I'm such loser. Is there ever a cure. Help me Lord! I will do my best just to get rid of this. For Your greatest glory!

Insecurities KILLS

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