Hi There!

"I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength" - Philippians 4:13

Saturday 1 October 2011

Just got home from my boyfriends house and still have this feeling of sadness...I don't know is that just me or the stressors around me worked pretty well...Today I got only a grade of 6 for our memory game...which is the highest is 40...I got 47 over 90 in our Midterm exam in our Experimental Exam...our materials for our experiment is still late...any of the three schools where we sent a request letter for us to conduct an experiment haven't replied back...AND our thesis presentation will be at October 12...which will only give us less than five days to conduct the experiment and finish the paper...I don't know what's happening to me...It's not like me...i'm not like this...I always work ahead of time...haizzz...a few hours ago...I just felt I don't want to go to church tomorrow I kinda think I wanna rest first...but to rest from what?from serving God?ouch!what am I thinking?Who am I?...haizz...need a head start!really freaking need a boost!

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