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"I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength" - Philippians 4:13

Saturday 2 August 2014

How I Met Your Mother Season 2 - Episode 17 Favorite Quotes

How I Met Your Mother Season 2 - Episode 17 Favorite Quotes

1. Marshall : No. No. We might die now. I may never see Lily again. I never told anybody this, but... I've known for a long time that I'm gonna marry that girl. If we survive this, someday I'm gonna marry her. 

2. Marshall : But that's life. You know? You never end up where you thought you wanted to be.

3. Marshall : But that's life. You know? You never end up where you thought you wanted to be. I'm not helping the environment. Ted's not a philosopher. Lily's not not a world-famous artist. Barney's never driven more than ten miles an hour. Robin, I'm sure, has also experience disappointment in her life. Maybe? And my Fiero's not a Fiero that went 200,000 miles. It's okay. You know? Those are old dreams. We'll get a new car and we'll fill that one up with new memories. And that'll be the car we had when we were first married. When we owned our first house. Maybe even the first car our four kids remember.

How I Met Your Mother Season 2 - Episode 16 Favorite Quotes

How I Met Your Mother Season 2 - Episode 16 Favorite Quotes

1.Kids, the key to a good relationship is communication. You need to talk. It's also important to know when to stop talking. You see, by the time you've hit your late 20s, you've dated a few people, but when you're in a relationship, it's common courtesy to pretend that you haven't.

2. Robin : With my sister. Why do you always say that? Look, we're not 16. We've both dated other people. It's silly to try to act like we didn't.

Ted : You're right. We should just be honest.

3.Lily : Ah, the age-old question: after  you break up with someone, what do you do with the stuff?

4. Lily : Order! Order! I got to side with Robin. She's your girlfriend, and if the stuff upsets her, you got to get rid of it.

5. Marshall : I've got to side with Ted. Just 'cause you still have something an ex girlfriend gave you doesn't mean you're holding onto her.

How I Met Your Mother Season 2 - Episode 15 Favorite Quotes

How I Met Your Mother Season 2 - Episode 15 Favorite Quotes

1. Kids, never underestimate the power of destiny. Because when you least expect it, the littlest thing can cause a ripple effect that changes your life.