Hi There!

"I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength" - Philippians 4:13

Monday 31 October 2011

Just saw this video posted to our page in Light of the Youth Community...
glad I've watched it...
truly Christmas season is really near...
Happy Advance Birthday Jesus! :)

One of the last picture with my hair...I miss my hair already...
got my hair cut this morning...and the one who cut my hair...didn't do it well...
my hair started to flip away and become curvy...I hate it...
Just wasted 70 pesos...
want my old hair back...

Tuesday 18 October 2011

Been re blogging dresses all night...is now off to bed...night bluesky<3

My favorite song...I always sing this during our prayer meeting...
wanna make me cry unto my knees...
Jesus I believe in You...
Jesus I belong to You...

would like to change my style into this one ^^

Got a new phone thank God...
but not orange a blue one...
wish not to lose it...
like my other phones...
help me God :)

Saturday 15 October 2011

Copy of our Schedule of Activities (Worship Ministry)

LYC: Schedule of Activities

October 2011
Date: 16
Day: Sunday
Worship Leader: Seline
Songs: Only a God like You
            All for love by Hillsong United (new)
            Lord I give you my heart
Guitarist: Kuya Jojo
Activities/ Talks: “Mama Mary as Prophet” 
Speaker/s: Kuya Butch

November 2011
Date: 6
Day: Sunday
Worship Leader: Wella
Songs: Every Move I Make
            Here I am to worship
            Power of Love               
Guitarist: Kuya Lester
Activities/ Talks: “Worship Leader workshop”
Speaker/s: Kuya Jojo

Date: 20
Day: Sunday
Worship Leader: Dikei
Songs: Holy is the Lord (new)
            Mighty to save
            With all I am
Guitarist: Seline
Activities/ Talks:Music Ministry’s Workshop” 
Speaker/s: Ate Gay, Kuya Lester, Kuya Butch and Kuya Jojo

December 2011
Date: 4
Day: Sunday
Worship Leader: Paulo
Songs: Grateful by YFC (new)
            How great is our God
            All for love by Hillsong United
Guitarist: Kuya Lester
Activities/ Talks: Facilitator’s Workshop Day 1 

Date: 11
Day: Sunday
Worship Leader: Kuya Jojo
Songs: Holy is the Lord by Chris Tomlin
            Be it unto me by Don Moen (new)
Guitarist: Kuya Lester
Activities/ Talks:Facilitator’s Workshop Day 2” 

Prepared by:                                                                                        Approved by: 
Angoluan, Mary Ana Seline L.                                                            Dugang, Gay
Worship Head Ministry, LYC                                                              President, LYC

Oquendo, Tom
Worship Shepherd, LYC

To God be the Glory!

Saturday 1 October 2011

Just finished practicing Taylor Swift's Back to December piano version...just figured out playing it on piano :)

Just got home from my boyfriends house and still have this feeling of sadness...I don't know is that just me or the stressors around me worked pretty well...Today I got only a grade of 6 for our memory game...which is the highest is 40...I got 47 over 90 in our Midterm exam in our Experimental Exam...our materials for our experiment is still late...any of the three schools where we sent a request letter for us to conduct an experiment haven't replied back...AND our thesis presentation will be at October 12...which will only give us less than five days to conduct the experiment and finish the paper...I don't know what's happening to me...It's not like me...i'm not like this...I always work ahead of time...haizzz...a few hours ago...I just felt I don't want to go to church tomorrow I kinda think I wanna rest first...but to rest from what?from serving God?ouch!what am I thinking?Who am I?...haizz...need a head start!really freaking need a boost!