Hi There!

"I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength" - Philippians 4:13

Sunday 28 August 2011

Just finished my talk and now fixing my things for tomorrows Retreat! 
Thank God that they all liked my talk...they even wanted a copy of it...
God so great to use me as an instrument!
Now gotta start fixing my things...waaaaaaaah!!! I'm so excited! :)

Saturday 27 August 2011


LOVE is 

TIME is 

love. And one way we can give this to Him

is through one word, six letters:


Is always on work every midnight...and still haven't finished all the things I'm working on...

Rest where are you?

"Accomplish the mission and make God happy!"

I'm the one touching the hair...
during our Music Ministry workshop at Sta. Mesa Manila
St. Joseph Parish...
Me as the Moderator and Facilitator...
For God's glory!

"When we fight battles for God, He can cause everything - even the sun and the moon - to stand still so that we can be victorious" - Ru Dela Torre

       Is still reading his book Road Trip...been reading it for a month now...LOL!been really busy doing a lot of stuffs...hahaha

Friday 26 August 2011

LYC girls

So excited for our Fashion Photo Shoot this Monday and Tuesday...I hope everyone that I invited could come...this will be so much fun! :)

Thursday 25 August 2011

100 Days to heaven...feel so blessed every time I watch this...
Is feeling really sleepy...goodnight everyone! God bless! :)
is very excited for our "Community Commitment Formation Retreat"! :)
Lord I want to worship You until my last breath...Help me Lord to live the rest of my life giving You Praise and Glory! 

Wednesday 24 August 2011

my yahoo mail user name and password is not working...huhu...what should I do now...so many things to pass...
Miss posting in my blogspot now...been busy doing school and church stuffs...wish to blog more...

Tuesday 23 August 2011

Is still awake...checking my old blogs while waiting for our professor to check our proposed problem for our case study that will be submitted on September 2, 2011...huhu really tired :(